What is Hallux Valgus?
In orthopaedics, Hallux valgus (“bunion“, “bunion pain“) denotes one of the most common, especially among women, malpositioning of the foot (in Germany around 10 million people). The big toe moves outwardly and the corresponding metatarsal bone and metatarsal capitulum (ball of the toe) protrude. At first only a cosmetic problem, serious discomfort can develop in time. Inflammation and swelling of the ball (metatarsal capitulum), incorrect loading and initial joint attrition (arthrosis) lead to strong and continuous pain. Patients suffering from Hallux valgus will either be treated conservatively (Hallux valgus splints) or surgically, depending on the degree of severity. Timely and prophylactic wearing of a Hallux valgus splint can clearly protract or even prevent an operation.

Symptoms of Hallux valgus depending on the degree of severity:
Aesthetic problem.
Formation of calluses, chronic irritation of the skin and bursa.
Increasing pain under load and when moving.
Progressive arthrosis and stiffening in the base joint of the toe.
Corollary deformities such as hammer and claw toe.
How does Hallux valgus develop?
Along with an inherited disposition, Hallux valgus (bunion) can be caused by weak connective tissue as well as load deformities as a result of flatfoot, splayfoot and skew foot, chronic inflammation or injuries caused by accidents. By the way, wearing tight, pointy shoes and high heels (over 3 – 4 centimeters) is not the cause of the deformation, it can, however substantially contribute to the development of a commencing Hallux valgus.
Causes for Hallux valgus
Acquired load deformity as a result of flatfoot, splayfoot and skew foot.
inherited disposition.
deterioration of the base joint due to arthrosis and gout.
constitutional tissue weakness and muscular dysfunction.
muscle and nerve damage, neurological dysfunction, chronic inflammations, accidents.
What types of Hallux valgus are there?
According to a simple clinical classification there are four degrees of severity of Hallux valgus:
Degree 1
Toe malpositioning below 20 degrees. No symptoms.
Hallufix® can be used in this phase for early prevention!
Degree 2
Malpositioning between 20 and 30 degrees. Occasional pain.
In this phase the Hallufix® splint is used most frequently.
Degree 3
Malpositioning between 30 and 50 degrees. Regular pain. Increasing restraints on activities.
Pronounced malpositioning!
Hallufix® can be used for a passively well corrigible malpositioning up to a Hallux valgus angle of 15 degrees.
Degree 4
Severest form with malpositionings over 50 degrees and painful restraints on the activities of everyday life.
Hallufix® cannot be recommended in this phase. An operation is advisable.